
Top five(ish) sources of ecological data

In this post, I show you how to navigate some common ecological data portals and discuss when you might want to use one or another for accessing data that you can use for practice or your next research project.

How to make a scatterplot in R

This blog post I teach you the basics of creating and customizing scatterplots in R

A *simple* introduction to ggplot2 (for plotting your data!)

In this blog post, we deconstruct the anatomy of how to use 'ggplot2'— a package that makes it intuitive to create consistently nice-looking figures in R.

Learning about data structures in R

In this tutorial, we're introduce the structures that R provides to help you organize your data.

R Data types 101, or What kind of data do I have?

In this tutorial, I introduce you to several different types of data, explain how to use and manipulate each of them, and show you how to check what type of data you have.

The Basics of R (in Spanish!)

My online course on the Basics of R (for ecologists) is soon to launch with a version completely recorded in Spanish.

Making your first plot in R

In this tutorial, I teach you how to create a basic scatterplot using base R.

How to install (and update!) R and RStudio

The first step to learning R is to have it downloaded on your computer! In this blog post, I introduce R and RStudio and show you how to download and install them.

Where to ask for help when coding in R

In this blog post, I'm going to describe a few R forums that are particularly useful when you need specific help with your own project.

How to go from R to nice tables in Microsoft Word

As scientists analyzing their data, we often have data or results in R that we want to export to a word processor for the reports or publications that we’re writing. In this tutorial I show you how to do just that!